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Black Panther


Black Panther
城市书房 City Book Room
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Co-Winner of Fiction in Chinese



Black Panther

Black Panther is a collection of 10 short stories published in local newspapers, and some which were translated and published in overseas literary platforms. Spanning from the colonial period to the modern independent era, the themes of the stories place historical incidents into a fictional framework that depicts the everyday lives of Singaporeans. It is the author’s own “Singapore Story”, similar to French philosopher Jean François Lyotard’s retelling of forgotten events and weaving them into the fabric of a generation.




Wong Koi Tet

Wong Koi Tet is a part-time lecturer with the NTU Chinese Programme, teaching modern Chinese literature and creative writing. After graduating with a BA in Chinese from NUS and an MA in Chinese from NTU, he worked as a  journalist for seven years. Wong has published numerous works of different genres in local and overseas newspapers and magazines. In 2015, he was appointed NTU-NAC Writer-in-Residence. He has published seven books of prose, poetry, short stories, and cultural commentaries.

Kian Kok


Kian Kok
Full House Communication
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Co-Winner of Fiction in Chinese



Kian Kok

Kian Kok is based on SG50, reflecting significant events and the progress of our nation state as Singaporeans celebrate the golden jubilee. Born in 1959, Chinese-educated Kian Kok worked as an architectural draughtsman until his mid-career retrenchment. As he looks back on major events of 2015, including the passing of Lee Kuan Yew and the General Election, they resonate deeply. An SG50 Dictionary detailing people and events that made the news during that year is included.





Chia Joo Ming

Chia Joo Ming received the Young Artist Award for Literature in 1993. In 1995, he was invited to the University of Iowa’s International Writing Program. He was Writer-in-Residence at Nanyang Technological University in 2014 and won the S.E.A. Write Award in 2017.

Chia has published eleven books, four of which were shortlisted for the Singapore Literature Prize: New Words of Worldly Tales, Reconstructing Nanyang, m40, and Exile or Pursuit, winning the award for Reconstructing Nanyang and m40.

Neighbour’s Luck


Neighbour’s Luck
Math Paper Press
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继获得2017年金笔奖小说组第一名之后,这是原非的短篇小说作品首次结集。10则风格各异的短篇小说,独居的男子爱上了一张照片,却对照片的主人并未心动;小女孩在父母刷洗血迹的声音中甜甜睡去,却每天深夜在特定的时间开始侦察;心如死灰的美女和第十二个男人相亲,得知对方在屠宰场工作后却决定带给母亲见面; 老人相信凭借风水的力量便可将运气掌握在手中,就此两家邻居的命运紧紧交缠在一起。不同故事之间时有关联,文笔风格多变,多由小事生发开来,以“城市边缘人”如独居老人,锁匠,屠宰场工人等为主体,展示了人们从童年到恋爱,结婚,繁衍,到老死的不同生命阶段里,真实而奇幻的生活困境,及对爱,尊严,或虚无缥缈之物徒劳的执著。

Neighbour’s Luck

Neighbour's Luck is Yuan Fei's first collection of short stories. The ten stories intertwine the tales of elderly folks living alone, locksmiths, abattoir workers, and others, exploring different facets of lives experienced by these “outsiders," their persistence in love, dignity, and their realities and fantasies as they grow up, fall in love, get married, have children, and age amid real yet dreamlike circumstances. Neighbour's Luck was the winner of the Golden Point Award 2017 for short stories.




Yuan Fei

Born in northeastern China, Yolanda Yu Miaomiao has lived in Singapore since 1998. She has received literary awards including the Singapore Tertiary Chinese Literature Award and the Golden Point Award. Her collection of short stories Neighbour’s Luck was published by Math Paper Press and was selected as Lianhe Zaobao Book of the Year in 2018. Her work has also been published in anthologies, magazines, and newspapers including The New York Times, Travel Magazine, Guangxi Literature, and Zuo Pin Magazine.

Desert Stories


Desert Stories
玲子传媒 Lingzi Media
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《沙漠里的故事 》总共收录了10篇以沙地阿拉伯为背景的写实小说。尤今曾经旅居沙特阿拉伯一年余,在这个黄沙莽莽的大漠,她邂逅了许多来自世界各地的异乡人,他们全都是怀着改善生活的美梦来此打拼的。在和这些异乡人交往时,她深切地感觉,他们就像是一部部厚厚的书,每一部书的内容都是绝无仅有的、丰富的、深邃的、动人的。在阅读的过程中,她笑、她哭;而在笑声泪影中,他们祸福与共地成了她生命里的一个个烙印。

Desert Stories

Desert Stories is a collection of 10 non-fictional prose pieces set in Saudi Arabia. Beguiling, plaintive, and profoundly insightful, You Jin’s fiction is a vivid evocation of Saudi society.




You Jin

Tham Yew Chin, whose pen name is You Jin, has authored nearly 200 books and travelogues, essays, opinion pieces, and short stories. She is widely recognised in Singapore and China for her heartwarming, sensitive observations of everyday life. She was the inaugural recipient of the Singapore Chinese Literary Award and the Montblanc-NUS Centre of the Arts Literary Award. The You Jin Research Centre in Chongqing University was established in her honour in 2000. Tham received the Cultural Medallion in 2009.

Fish Birth


Fish Birth
城市书房 City Book Room
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Fish Birth

Fish Birth is a collection of eight short stories. The title story, which explores issues associated with pregnancy and existential problems modern people struggle with, won the Golden Point Award in 2015. Another award winning story, Old Shop is a touching tale of the overlapping destinies of an old shop and its owner, showing the conflict between traditional heritage and modern development. In the collection, Sui Ting presents secret stories of modern urban life from a female perspective.



何颖舒,笔名随庭,生于中国,2016年于新加坡国立大学中文系获得硕士学位 。作品曾获2015年新加坡大专文学奖小说组首奖、联合早报金奖及金笔奖小说组首奖。2019年出版首部短篇小说集《孕鱼》。担任新加坡华文剧评网站“众观”的驻站剧评人和《联合早报》特邀剧评人,发表剧评二十多篇。

Sui Ting

He Yingshu, whose pen name is Sui Ting, was born in China and earned her masters degree in Chinese Studies at NUS. In 2015, her short story won first prize in the Singapore Golden Point Award and the Singapore Tertiary Chinese Literary Awards, and she was awarded the Lianhe Zaobao Gold medal. Her first short story collection, Fish Birth, was published in July 2019. She is a practicing theatre critic. Her reviews have appeared in and Lianhe Zaobao.