SBC Read-Along Books
The Singapore Book Council proudly presents the SBC Read-Along Books series, an adaptation of three Singaporean children’s picture books into animated videos in Chinese, Malay and Tamil.

Narrated in Chinese, Malay and Tamil, the short animated videos are intended to appeal to the Alpha Generation – a tech-savvy, digitally inclined generation of young readers.
Featured in the project are the following titles: The Crane & The Crab by S.R. Nathan (Chinese translation); What Sallamah Didn’t Know by Sharon Ismail (Malay translation); and The Snail Who Didn’t Want His Shell by R Chandran (Tamil translation). Narrating the books in mother tongue are selected seasoned and upcoming storytellers from The Storytelling Centre.
The videos apply simple 2D animation onto the book illustrations and feature voice-over narration and text on-screen. These read-along books are available for free for teachers, parents and children to enjoy, and are also available on SBC's Facebook page.
by S.R. Nathan & Anngee Neo
很久很久以前, 在一个乡村的池塘里,住着许多鱼儿。
A long, long time ago in a kampong, there was a pond with plenty of fish.
But the pond soon begins to dry up, and a watchful and greedy crane has an idea: He fools the fish into thinking that he will bring them to a large, sparkling lake. In the meantime, a crab who has been watching the crane has plans of his own…
Illustrated with engaging artwork, former Singapore President SR Nathan’s retelling of this wonderful folktale has a timeless message that can be enjoyed by children of all ages.
BY Sharon Ismail & Khairudin Saharom
Sallamah terus dewasa dengan merasakan kehidupannya seperti biasa. Dia tinggal di sebuah kampung biasa dengansebuah keluarga yang biasa dan mempunyai teman-teman sepermainan yang juga biasa. Dia sedikit pun tidak menyedaribahawa secebis kertas dapat mengubah semua kebenaran yang dia tahu dan mengerti. Ikuti pengembaraan Sallamah untuk memahami pengertian keluarga yang sebenar. Adakah ‘keluarga’ itu orang yangmelahirkan kamu? Atau, mereka yang menyayangi dan memelihara kamu?
Sallamah grows up feeling her life is like any other. She lives in an ordinary village with an ordinary family and has ordinary playmates as well. She was not in the least aware that a piece of paper could change all the truths she knew and understood. Follow Sallamah’s adventures to understand the true meaning of family. Is the 'family' the person who gave birth to you? Or those who love and care for you?
BY R Chandran / Elieth Sardinas
"எனக்கு இந்த ஓடு வேண்டாம். இது எனக்குத் தேவையில்லை."
"புழு, "உன் ஓடுதான் உன்னுடைய வீடு. உனக்கு ஓடு இருப்பதால் நீ எங்கும் பாதுகாப்பாகச் செல்லலாம். என் வீடோ ஓர் இருண்ட, ஈரமான துளை." என்று கூறியது."
சென்டில் நத்தை பந்தயத்தை விரும்புகிறது மற்றும் அவரது நண்பர்களை வெல்ல ஒரு வழியைக் காண்கிறது, ஆனால் இந்த செயல்பாட்டில், அவர் முதலில் நம்பியதை விட அவரது ஷெல் மிகவும் மதிப்புமிக்கது என்பதை அறிகிறது.
"I don't need my shell!"
“Your shell is your home,” the worm explained. “You can crawl around in the open with your home. My home is just a dark and wet hole.”
Sentil Snail loves to race and finds a way to beat his friends, but in the process, learns that his shell is more valuable than he first believed it to be.
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