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《诗心牵影》 新书发布及画展会开幕 Poetic Hearts, Lingering Shadows Book Launch and Exhibition Opening

《诗心牵影》 新书发布及画展会开幕 Poetic Hearts, Lingering Shadows Book Launch and Exhibition Opening



《诗心牵影》是为庆祝新加坡书籍理事会于2018成立50周年而特别出版, 新书发布会也为配合世界书香日(4月23日)及新加坡开埠 200 周年而举行。与此同时,理事会也将举办一个画作及诗歌的展览,假新加坡华族文化中心从4月27日至5月5日展出。

捐款支持新加坡书籍理事,获赠新书一本。请支持新加坡书籍理事会,只需捐款20元,您就能获赠一本《诗心牵影》。欲知详情,请电邮[email protected]

In a first collaboration, painter Zheng Lin Lin and poet Cheng Jun have come together to launch their book Poetic Hearts, Lingering Shadows (Shi Xin Qian Ying) that features a collection of their ink paintings and poetry. The realism captured by Zheng’s works of familiar local landmarks is paired with the evocative poetry by Cheng Jun. The juxtaposition of the two art forms invites the readers to look at their surroundings afresh with a poetic heart. This anthology is centred on the theme “harmony in multiculturalism”, reflecting Singapore's history and diverse cultures.

The special publication of Poetic Hearts, Lingering Shadows marks the 50th anniversary of the Singapore Book Council in 2018, while the book launch is held to mark World Book Day (23 April) and in conjunction with the Singapore bicentennial.  As part of the book launch, there will be an exhibition of the ink paintings and poetry at the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre from April 27 to May 5.

Make a donation to SBC and receive a copy of the book. By making a contribution of $20 to SBC, you will receive a complimentary copy of Poetic Hearts, Lingering Shadows. Please email [email protected] for more information.


Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Gallery, Level 2
1 Straits Boulevard

Singapore 018906 (地图)




Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Gallery, Level 2
1 Straits Boulevard

Singapore 018906 (地图)



Book Launch and Exhibition Opening

Date: April 27 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Venue: Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 
Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Gallery, Level 2
1 Straits Boulevard

Singapore 018906 (Map)

By Invitation Only



Date: April 27 – May 5
Time: 10am –6pm
Venue: Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 
Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Gallery, Level 2
1 Straits Boulevard

Singapore 018906 (Map)

Free Entry

作者成君 Cheng Jun/Seng Thai Chong

成君,原名成泰忠。1951年出生于新加坡。毕业于南洋大学历史学系。从事书业工作20余年, 曾任新加坡书业文具商公会会长、新加坡华文出版协会副会长。现主编《新加坡文艺》和《新加坡诗刊》两份文学刊物。2012年获第13届“亚细安文学奖” 。

Born in 1951 and graduated from Nanyang University, Cheng Jun has been active in the literary and publishing community for more than 20 years. He is the President of the Singapore Literature Society and had overseen the Singapore Booksellers and Stationers Association and the Singapore Chinese Publishers Association. The winner of the 13th ASEAN Literature Award, he is also the Chief Editor of two publications Singapore Literature and Singapore Poetry.


画家郑林林 Zheng Lin Lin


Zheng Lin Lin was born in 1952 in Singapore, and has been learning Chinese ink painting, figure painting and calligraphy since young. Since 1990, he has been teaching ink painting and calligraphy in primary and secondary schools, and has been featured in various exhibitions over the past 20 years. His works have been collected by art collectors over the years.



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